Recipes — retro eats
Chow Chow Fried Rice
Posted by Kelle Barnard on

This delicious dish is fast and easy and full of flavor! It fuses exotic Asian flavors and deeply Southern rich traditions to create a power house meal! Our Southern Chow Chow which is a green tomato, cabbage, pepper and onion pickled relish is very similar to the Asian Kimchi that’s so popular! Both are fermented creations that are usually a garnish, but here, it’s the star of the show! Both in Asia and in the US South, these relishes are enjoyed with pork so this Chow Chow Fried Rice is the perfect pairing and a recipe you’ll have to try!...
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- Tags: 30 minute meal, asian food, asian fusion, asian southern food, ball jars, cabbage, canning, chow chow, eat your veggies, foodie, fried rice, fusion, good eats, green tomato relish, green tomatoes, hoisin, kellebjammin, peppers, pork, preserving, relish, retro eats, rice, rice dish, southern food, vintage, what I ate